was born to Jan and Leenje Roetman.
No. 169 At the year one thousand eight hundred seventy-six, at the twenty-first day of the month December at 2 PM is shown up for us, Mayor and clerk of the civil administration of the municipally Oud Beijerland: Jan Roetman, thirty-eight years old, laborer and living at Ile de Beer what belongs to this municipally, who declared that his housewife Leentje Bakker , thirty-seven years old has given birth at 9 PM from a male child named Anthonie. This declaration is made in presence of Rijke ..... ? , fifty years old, laborer, and Abraham ....? twenty-two years old, laborer, both living at Ile den Beer. After reading out the all signed the record.
No 24 At the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight at 10 AM shown up for us Mayor and clerk of the civil administration of the municipally Oud Beijerland; jan Roetman, thirty-nine years old, builder and Leendert van Wijngaarden, thirty-three years old, griendbaas ( not translatable) both living at Oud Beijerland who both declared that Anthonie Roetman, old fourteen months has died at the second day of the month March at 8 PM at Ile den Beer , born at Oud Beijerland, son of Jan Roetman and Leentje Bakker married and living at Oud Beijerland. After reading out both signed the record. Ile den Beer is a community that belongs to Oud Beijerland. It doesn't exist anymore.
*This Ancestral contribution to the lineage is the work of Petra Roetman.