Betty Jane Roetman

was born July 8, 1920  in Grand Rapids, Michigan to John and Hattie Apsey Roetman.  She married Donald Kimble on March 31, 1942 in Saranac, Michigan.  Betty Kimble died January 23, 2005 in West Branch, Michigan.    Betty Kimble Obituary


front row: Mary Ellen, Betty, Ruth, Phyllis
back row: David, Don Sr., Bill, Tim, Don Jr.

kimble kids1

kimble kids


Don Kimble, John Roetman, Betty Kimble



Betty Roetman Kimble

Hattie Roetman_Betty Kimble

Mother Hattie Roetman & Betty Kimble

kimbles developed jan 1961

Christmas 1960

Terri Kimble_daughter

Betty Kimble (sitting), Terri Kimble and daughter


Betty Jane Roetman 5 months old

betty roetman
Betty Roetman