At the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four at the fifteenth day of August shown up for me, Mayor and Clerk of the Civil Administration of the municipally Stedum, district Appingedam, Province Groningen Hindrik Haak 34 years old, day laborer, living at Stedum who declared that is born at the 13th day of August 1864 at 4 PM ,at Stedum a male child with the name Jacob from Gurtje Jacobs Drok his housewife, without profession both living at Stedum
This declaration is made in presence of Jans Dorenbos, 59 years old, without profession and living at Stedum and Jurrien Luurs Rensema, 69 years old, rural police man, living at Stedum
After reading out, all signed this record.

At the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five at the eight day of the month April shown up for me mayor and Clerk of the Civil administration of the municipally Stedum, district Appingedam, province Groningen Jacob Doorenbos, sixty-nine years old, rentier, neighbor of the deceased and Hebe Attema, thirty-seven years old, day laborer, living at Stedum, neighbor of the deceased who declared that at the seventh day of April at 4 AM at Stedum Jacob Haak passed away. Son of the married couple Hindrik Haak, day laborer and Gurtje Jacobs Drok, without profession, living at Stedum.
After reading out the record is signed by the Mayor and the two witnesses.
*Much Gratitude to Petra Roetman for the Dutch to English translations!