At the year one thousand and fifty at the first day of October shown up for me, Mayor and Clerk of the Civil Administration of the municipally Middelstum, district Appingedam, Province Groningen Harm Popke Rozema. 39 years old, day laberor, living at Huizingh, who declared that is born at house number 1 at the 29th day of September 1850 at 6 o’clock in the evening, is born a male child with the name Reinder from Diewerke Reinders Dijkema, his housewife, both living at Huizing.
This declaration is made in presence of Jacob Dries Milder, 50 years old, farmer and living at Huizingh and Frank Willem Timmer, 43 years old, rural police man, living at Middelstum.
After reading out, all signed this record.

At the year one thousand eight hundred seventy-seven at the twelfth day of the month May are shown up for me, member of the city council and Civil Clerk of the Municipally Stedum, district Appingedam, Province Groningen Reinder Rozema, 26 years old, farmhand, living at Stedum and born at Huizinge, at age son of Harm Popkes Rozema, day laborer and Diewertje Reinders Dijkema, without profession, living at Huizinge. And Anje Haak, 25 years old, maid, living and born at Stedum, at age daughter of Hindrik Jans Haak, deceased and Geertje Jacobs Drok, day laborer living at Stedum. Bride and Groom handed their birth certificates, the death record of the father of the Bride and certificate of the militia from the Groom. Present are the mother of the Bride and the Groom who agreed with this marriage. We asked Bride and Groom in public if they are willing to take each other as husband and wife o which they answered with yes. Bride and Groom are now husband and Wife. Record is made in presence of Klaas Havinga, 43 years old, baker, Wolter Kuikenda, 25 years old, headmaster of the school, Joost Bruins, 61 years old, woodtrader and ?? Brouwer, 38 year old, innkeeper. All witnesses are living at Stedum. After reading out this record is signed with exception of the mother of the Groom who declared never learned to write. The certificate of the National militia tells that Reinder Rozema was exempt for duty. His profession at 1870 when this certificate was made was flax worker.

Reinder lived at Stedum ( Groningen) religion Christian Reformed ( Succeeded) 30 years old, indigent ( money, possession), day laborer. Reason for emigration: Betterment.

*Much Gratitude to Petra Roetman for the Dutch to English translations!