was married to Charles D Hagaman.

1834-Rochester-1934 Familiar ties that bind together the stories of two old houses in Brighton are brought to notice in the genealogical record of the Misses Louise, Emma and Georgianna Hudson of 306 (?) Highland Avenue. They reside in the house built by their great- grandfather, John Hagaman, born 1776; their grandfather, Charles Hagaman, born 1802, inherited the property. Their grandmother, Harriet Stone Hagaman, was born in 1806 in the big white house built in 1792 by Orringh Stone, in what now is East Avenue, opposite Council Rock Avenue. Their mother, Frances Hagaman Hudson, also was born in the Stone mansion, famous for its old-time hospitality. It is recorded that among the famous guest at the Stone home were Joseph Brant, famous Mohawk war chief and brother-in-law of Sir William Johnson, Marquis de Lafayette, Louis Philippe of France and Aaron Burr. ROCHESTER, N.Y., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1934, page 13
AN EARLY SETTLER DEAD. Mrs. Harriett Hagaman Who Remembered Incidents in the War of 1812 Mrs. Harriett Stone Hagaman died last Monday, August 19th, at her home, corner Highland avenue and Clinton street, after a brief illness of only four days. Mrs. Hagaman was born at East Brighton in 1806, and was the daughter of Major Orange (sic) Stone, who served in the war of 1812. In 1835 she was married to Charles D. Hagaman, and to them were born four daughters, three of whom, Mrs. Caroline Hunt, Miss Maria and Miss Jennie Hagaman, survive their mother. The father died fifty years ago. Mrs. Hagaman was a bright and interesting woman, possessing a most remarkable memory. As people of her advanced age are apt to do, she loved to dwell in the past, and many are the stores and anecdotes of pioneer life in Rochester with which she entertained her friends. Her entire life was passed in Brighton and in tow houses, the latter being the home in which she died. Her father, Major Stone, was one of the wealthy settlers, and the house in which she was born is till standing, a substantial two-story frame dwelling covered with climbing vines. It was built on a rock foundation and the timbers used in its construction were the first ever sawed in Rochester. Its appearance now give little indication of its great age of over 100 years. As there were no hotels or taverns in those days, Major Stone's place was open to all travelers, who always found a welcome at his fireside. Mrs. Hagaman often spoke of the time when in the war of 1812 the British were trying to make their way from Canada up the mouth of the river at Charlotte. Her father was one of the few men who by their maneuvers succeeded in thwarting the British in their design, though the latter far outnumbered our men. Before leaving home, Major Stone, not knowing what would be the result, conveyed his family to a hiding place, and this his daughter Harriet remembered well, though then but six years old. Mrs. Hagaman leaves a large number of friends who will sadly miss her bright and cheerful presence. ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1895, page 10

Harriet is buried in Mount Hope Cemetery
Rochester, Monroe County, New York, USA